Best Projects 2015

These are the best projects (out of 33 in total) in 2015.

The Best Project

SiggraphPubVis Kui Wu, Duong Hoang SiggraphPubVis Screenshot

The Second-Best Project

Sex, Drugs, and Munchies Ryan Saunders, Bob Wong

Sex, Drugs, and Munchies Screenshot

The Third-Best Project

Comparison of University Costs Sierra Allred, Christopher Golling, Christopher Garrett

Comparison of University Costs Screenshot

The Runner-Ups

In no particular order.

Visualization of Hillary Clinton Email Dataset Vinitha Yaski, Rohan Kohli, Murali Kilari

Brazil: Credit operations in public sector and the Human Development Index Frederico Rocha, Anil Kumar Ravindra Mallapur, Anil Kumar Konasale Krishna

Curly Squeegee Brian Kimmig, James Moore

Exploration of National Park Recreation Tony Niven, Hadeel Maryoosh

Interactive Needle Electroanatomical Potential Tracking Karli Gillette, Dasha Pruss, Wilson Good

Legion Profling Visualization Ian Sohl, Ariel Herbert-Voss, Phil Cutler

PotHoleTracker Sunny Hardasani, Yogesh Mishra, Mohan Krishna Manchala

Visualization of Dinosaur Evolution Pingfan Tang, Shabo Pei, Chia-Chen Teng

Yelp Helper Vairavan Sivaraman, Venkata Tata

For your reference, check out the Hall of Fame for CS 171.